
Showing posts from 2012

Java Expedition Traditional Architecture In Gunung Kidul

Culture and tradition is the main identity of a nation. Great nation is a nation that has a firm hold and local wisdom. Cultural and historical traditions of the past are gradually eroded by modernization and globalization. Mahasiswa F.T Arsitektur UWMY The younger generation getting lazy and reluctant to learn the culture and traditions of our own ancestors. That we field just opposite the western culture with our culture, so we did not even know about the past or the history of our ancestors with all their local wisdom. If we do not know about our history, what happens is dark. omah dowo In the opinion of Bp. Satrio Hasto W. Broto, ST as lecturer of MPA 01 FT Widya Mataram Yogyakarta stated "if we just follow the cow goes, then we will only get the tail. Then we must reverse direction backward against the flow so that we are in front of" or in my opinion if we continue to follow the globalization and modernization of the west, then we will only become

Traditional Javanese architecture

National traditional architectural philosophy is actually the legacy of our ancestors. Visually we can see from the shape, the fabric of space and the traditional structure of the archipelago. All that being "herb" is important in architectural culture. As well as traditional house in the village Purwodadi pyramid District of Gunung Kidul Tepus this. All of which reflect upon the wisdom of nature. Not like menuhankan environment, but have great respect for nature that has given many benefits to humans. I am still amazed amazed with the philosophy of building for the people who put the Gunung Kidul as a sanctified place because the house that shade from the heat and the rain man and protect from lelapnya sleep and forming a family keakrapan best. Then the procedure of the construction and behavior of the very "special". The selection of the wood material has its own rules and so does not cut any trees because each tree has a spirit. In the construction of the

Here They Come, Arsitek-arsitek Hollywood!

Beberapa waktu lalu, Atelier Riri pernah membuat diskusi yang cukup menarik, di twitter kami, tentang karakter arsitek dalam film. Waktu itu  hashtag  yang digunakan adalah #architectinmovies. Kali ini Atelier Riri tidak akan menuliskan ulang tweet-tweet waktu itu, tapi di artikel ini kita akan coba  highlight , kira-kira apa  ya  yang membuat Hollywood senang sekali memasukkan karakter arsitek, dalam film produksinya? Ada sebuah artikel berbahasa Inggris, yang lumayan panjang, yang mengulas soal ini, Anda bisa membacanya di sini. Beberapa di antara ulasan tersebut boleh kita amini, tapi kami punya pendapat juga soal ada apa dengan karakter seorang arsitek, yang membuat Hollywood terpesona. Arsitek kerap digambarkan sebagai pekerja keras dan profesional, terutama di negara-negara maju. Di Indonesia sudah digambarkan demikian belum, ya? Gedung-gedung berdesain menarik selalu menarik pula untuk dilihat. Siapa yang tidak terpesona dengan gedung-gedung  skyscrapers  dan kesibukan

Sketsa Gambar Teknik

Gambar skesta merupakan gambar ide awal untuk mengekspresikan gagasan tertentu ke dalam gambar disain.  Merangkum aspek-aspek disain gambar awal yang memerlukan olahan lebih lanjut. Gambar sketsa merupakan sarana komunikasi awal untuk perancang (yang menggambar) maupun orang lain. Menggambar sketsa pada dasarnya adalah menarik garis dengan tangan bebas, tanpa dibantu mistar atau penggaris. Dengan demikian kualitas garis harus diperhatikan sesuai dengan karakter dan jenis gambar yang akan disajikan. Kualitas garis yang dibuat oleh pinsil akan ditentukan oleh tingkat kehitaman (ketebalan) garis dan lebar garis. Pada gambar sketsa, semua garis harus dimulai dan diakhiri dengan tegas dan harus mempunyai kaitan yang logis dengan garis lainnya dari awal sampai akhir. Bila dua garis membentuk sudut atau perpotongan, kedua ujungnya harus bertemu, tidak boleh kurang atau lebih. Langkah-langkah untuk membuat garis lurus vertical maupun horizontal dalam gambar sketsa, sebagai berik


Climate has a strong impact on the formation of a building design. Climate of a region will affect the response of user activity in the form of comfort. The response of each draft climate typology form shapes generally known by the local architecture.  Characteristics of the humid tropical climate has degrees humidity and rainfall are high. The impact of these conditions there is a lot of openings and a shade sosoran. Throughout the year have average temperatures are high, so the building has openings memepengaruhi consider air flow. The condition is associated with a low diurnal around 8 degrees Celsius, due to low temperature variation. Solar radiation varies with the condition often cloudy.  The purpose of the design in the humid tropics is to reduce the internal temperature, ventilation to maximize the effectiveness of evaporation, protection against sun, rain and insects. Several strategies can be developed in a humid tropical climate, among others: -  The temperature in t


DEFINITION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT In the discussion of architecture, sustainable development is a goal that must be achieved. In this case ekoarsitektur / greenarchitecture is one important aspect of the orientation on the nature (ecology) of sustainable development (sustainable development). Sustainable design (sustainable design) is one part that is overwhelmed by sustainable development (sustainable development). There are plenty of sense development continued. Are well known and often used as a reference is the understanding of the world commision on environtment and development (WCED). “Sustainable development is develoment that meets and needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. While other definitions of sustainable development are as follows : “Sustainable development means improving the quality of life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems”; World Conservation Uni