Java Expedition Traditional Architecture In Gunung Kidul

Culture and tradition is the main identity of a nation. Great nation is a nation that has a firm hold and local wisdom. Cultural and historical traditions of the past are gradually eroded by modernization and globalization.
Mahasiswa F.T Arsitektur UWMY
The younger generation getting lazy and reluctant to learn the culture and traditions of our own ancestors. That we field just opposite the western culture with our culture, so we did not even know about the past or the history of our ancestors with all their local wisdom. If we do not know about our history, what happens is dark.
omah dowo
In the opinion of Bp. Satrio Hasto W. Broto, ST as lecturer of MPA 01 FT Widya Mataram Yogyakarta stated "if we just follow the cow goes, then we will only get the tail. Then we must reverse direction backward against the flow so that we are in front of" or in my opinion if we continue to follow the globalization and modernization of the west, then we will only become followers only, for that we have to go against the flow and return to the culture and local wisdom for us in front and those who have to follow.

Balai Desa Purwodadi Kec. Tepus Gunung Kidul
Javanese traditional house which is the architectural heritage of the archipelago, began much ogled by western nations for the purchase because they think the Java architecture is very beautiful. As with outlying villages in Gunung Kidul, custom home residents began to be bought by foreigners and replaced with modern homes. No less with it, entrepreneurs restaurants besa cities such as Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang and Surabaya also started taking the legacy Java to be used as a restaurant, because it is a traditional Javanese house is designed to be ready to be assembled. Eventually the custom house in Gunung Kidul lost and replaced with modern homes and there goes the identity Gunung Kidul with traditional architecture.

Ibu Kepala Desa Purwodadi
Then the Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering University of Widya Mataram Yogyakarta in October has traveled the research on traditional Javanese architecture in Gunung Kidul. The goal is to study the traditional architecture of Java in Gunung Kidul once the campaign to the public in order to keep their homes not to be exchanged for a modern home because custom home is part of the cultural heritage.
The expedition took place Purwodadi Village district. Tepus Gunung Kidul. Purwodadi village has 19 hamlets namely; Duwet, Ngandong, Cepogo, Winangun, Luweng Ombo, Ngande ande, Wuluh, Pringsanggar, stamping, Cak Bohol, Danggolo, sureng I, II Sureng, Gesing I, II Gesing, Kenis, Brongkol, Gerotan and Jimatan. All of that is the purpose of our expedition.
Omah Limasan
Not only is the science of architecture that we can learn from this expedition, but we get over it as local customs, and habits-habits of the local population. We get a lot of value there life. People are very welcoming and friendly with us, until we feel they are our own family. Habit of going to the fields at 5 am and returned home when mahgrib arrived. People are very hard-working. Well it is called with the value of local knowledge as to uphold the dignity of ancestors who likes to work hard.

We will make a final literetur book about traditional Javanese architecture that is in Gunung Kidul. Harapanya is that this book will complement the textbook traditional architecture of existing Java so that the public can also obtain more knowledge about traditional Javanese architecture.
Omah Joglo Ceblokan

[ Of post Novi Maulana FT Architecture Students UWMY ]


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